Download data with Makefile

2 minute read

Since I have my R scripts carefully labeled in sequence, anyone can download my script and reproduce my research from raw data to the final document. The only step that is not yet reproducible in my research pipeline is how to get the same raw input data. Recently I’ve come up with two solutions:

  1. When possible, use R packages to download raw data directly from database API. For example, we can directly access the World Bank’s World Development Indicators (library(WDI)), the Polity Score and the Database of Political Institutions (library(psData)). This is the best case scenario – given your script, any reader can simply hit Run to download the data, do analysis, and output results in one go.

  2. When there is no available API and we have to go to various authors’ website to download their dataset, this can be automated by using Makefile. Read this brief tutorial of how to use Makefile for reproducible research. You need to understand Makefile dependency structure to follow my script below.

I’ll wait.

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Okay, here’s how to use Makefile to download, rename, and put data in the appropriate directory. As an example, I’m downloading a dataset on authoritarian regimes by Geddes, Wright, and Frantz.

all: GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2
	curl -o ""

	mv GWF\ Autocratic\ Regimes\ 1.2 GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2
	find ./GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2 -exec touch {} \;

Code explanation:

  • curl is the command to download file. The -o new_name option allows you to rename the downloaded file. In this case I keep it the same.

  • unzip unarchives the downloaded file ( In this case, it produces a folder called GWF Autocratic Regimes 1.2

  • Since it’s good practice not to have spaces in file path, I rename the folder with mv GWF\ Autocratic\ Regimes\ 1.2 GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2

  • Finally, we need to recursively touch every files inside GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2 so that these files have a newer modification timestamp than that of Had we not done that, files inside GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2 was last modified at whenever the dataset was created. Since this timestamp is older than, make will mistakenly think that it needs to update these files and thus keeps re-running the unzip.

We do that by find ./GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2 -exec touch {} \;. See more explanation and options in this Stackoverflow answer.

How to run

You can download any particular data folder by running make GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2, make another_folder, etc.

Alternatively, you can list all the names in all: GWF_Autocratic_Regimes_1_2 other_folder1 other_folder2 and run make all.


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