Mutable state in R

3 minute read

The main goal of this post is to implement an OOP-like behavior in R, specifically a mutable state. The motivation for this approach is to test MCMC code, but you can skip straight to the next section where I discuss the R implementation.

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As my MCMC code grows unwieldy, I’ve grown increasingly paranoid about its correctness. It didn’t help that the StackOverflow answer to “How to debug MCMC” is essentially very carefully. The central problem is that:

  1. MCMC result is stochastic, so there isn’t an exact expected result to compare against
  2. MCMC code takes a long time to run, so it’s not feasible to test often
  3. MCMC code involves a big loop updating all parameters in each pass, so it’s hard to isolate the bug

To debug MCMC, Grosse & Duvenaud propose isolating the big loop into smaller functions, each drawing a new parameter value conditional on other parameters’ values. We can then unit test the correctness of these functions one by one.

Their Python implemention includes two classes: Model, which characterizes the model, and State, which stores the parameter values in the current MCMC pass.

class Model:
  def __init__(self, alpha, K, sigma_sq_mu_prior, sigma_sq_n_prior):
    self.alpha = alpha # Parameter for Dirichlet prior over mixture probabilities
    self.K = K # Number of components
    def cond_pi(self, state):
      counts = np.bincount(state.z)
      return DirichletDistribution(self.alpha + counts)
    # Other conditional distributions here
class State:
  def __init__(self, z, mu, sigma_sq_mu, sigma_sq_n, pi):
    self.z = z # Assignments (represented as an array of integers) = mu # Cluster centers
    self.pi = pi # Mixture probabilities

Using Model’s methods like cond_pi, we can draw new values in each MCMC step like so:

class Model:
  def gibbs_step(self, state, X):
    state.pi = self.cond_pi(state).sample()
    state.z = self.cond_z(state, X).sample() = self.cond_mu(state, X).sample()

Mutable state in R

How to translate this OOP implementation in R? Crucially, we need a mutable state that stores the current parameter values. While it’s possible to accomplish this with S3, storing “instance variables” as elements in a list, searching for “mutable state R” leads me to Hadley’s discussion of functional programming.

It thus occurs to me that I can use functional programming to implement a mutable state that looks very much OOP. Take the classic OOP example of a class Dog, which has instance variables name & speech, getters and setters methods, and a method bark.

The implementation using functional programming looks like so.

dog <- function(name, speech) {
  # instance variables
  name <- name
  speech <- speech
  # getter methods
  get <- function(param = c("name", "speech")) {
    param <- match.arg(param)
           name = name,
           speech = speech)
  # setter methods
  set_name <- function(value) name <<- value # Notice the "super"-assignment <<-
  set_speech <- function(value) speech <<- value
  # method
  bark <- function() print(paste0(speech, "!"))
  return(list(get = get, 
              set_name = set_name, 
              set_speech = set_speech,
              bark = bark))

We can create a dog, give it a name, or make it bark.

# Create a dog
my_dog <- dog(name = "Dodger", speech = "woof")
## [1] "Dodger"
# Make it bark
## [1] "woof!"
# Change its speech
## [1] "roof!"

I really like how the object$method() syntax of this approach looks similar to object.method() in traditional OOP language. Indeed, this looks much more familiar than R’s class system.

Still, it feels very weird to me that functional programming can be used to accomplish an OOP-like behavior like this. I did successfully using this approach to test my MCMC code. But should I? Is there any drawback to this approach?


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